Monday 4 November 2013

Creative Project- Influence of Barbara Kruger

The images I have produced are based on Barbara Kruger's style of photography. I have given my own flare to them by creating my own images and text. The text helps to communicate the current issues facing people in society. My images are influenced by Kruger by the use of similar black and white photography and similar accompanying text.

This image communicates the message that your mind is a battlefield. This means to say that everyone's mind is at constant battles with life. The dark picture on the right represents the sadness and turmoil in our lives. Whereas, the lighter image on the left signifies when our life is full of happiness and love. The image shows the girls head on either side of the image. This shows how our mind is in a constant battle with itself, as times can be happy or hard. I chose the red background around the text as battlefields are usually full of blood shed and it's the colour Barbara Kruger mostly uses in her images.

This photograph indicates how gays are excluded from this world as they cannot marry or live together. The gun to the head means gays feel as if they don't exist in our world, by the way they are treated. I chose this concept because Kruger tended to use social and political statements of the time in her work. The text "YOU" is presented in capitals to make the image more confrontational. This reflects Kruger's work as most of her images were confronting. At this point in time gay equality is an issue in society. I decided to use black and white text because Kruger used this colour text in some of her own work. It shows that if you are gay you are excluded and if you are not gay you are acccepted. It's a black and white situation.

In our current society there have been many job losses and this can tear love apart. Job losses and value rising can mean struggling to afford to keep a house, buying food, or going out for a normal household. This can result in a breakdown of love in a relationship, as money is crucial in surviving.

This picture is about a young vulnerable teenager who is susceptible to the opinions, words and gossip of others. Her reflection of herself changes due to the discourse happening around her. This is an issue for many girls at the moment as young teenagers want approval and care about others opinions.