Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lecture 8- Photography and Words

John Heartfield (1891-1968)- Photographer and Graphic Designer
Heartfield was also a dadaist and political artist.

World War 2 changed him and this was the major driver in his art as shown below.

The writing says "Capitalism is robbing them of their last piece of bread. Fight for yourself and your children. Vote Communist! Vote Thalmann!" 
The sympathetic picture and assisted text evoke an emotional appeal to those viewing the poster.

Heartfield used photomontage/collage this means the images were edited together much like how cinema is created.

Barbara Kruger (1945-, USA) studied art and design, conceptual artist, image and text. Themes she covers in her work include feminist issues, critique of consumer society, fractured subjectivity of individuals.

The words used in her pictures help support and communicate the message she is trying to portray to her audience. There are falsities in her work however these narratives she calls are "fiction." She used a phrase from enlightenment thinker Rene' Descartes " I think therefore I am." However, she twists this in her images and adapts it to I shop therefore I am. This supports consumer culture and could explain that women are more likely to impulse buy without thinking about products.

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