Sunday 22 September 2013

Lecture 7- Oulipo

Raymond Queneau (1903-1976)

 - 1924 Queneau met and briefly joined the surrealists
 - 1948 Queneau was a member of the Mathematics Society of France
 - 1950 he joined the College of Pataphysics. The surrealists were also part of this college.
 - 1960 he was the co-founder of Oulipo which started out as a subcommittee of the College of 'Pataphysics.'

"Imagination combines the passion of the mathematician with the rationality of a poet," Raymond Queneau.
This explains mathematics as a form of poetry.

Queneau was obsessed with street language (vinacular). He put a map Zazie Dans le me'tro into a film.

Georges Perec- set himself rules and wrote the lipogram novel A Void (169).

He believed that reality was possible to describe words. This included things we can't say through our language or colours.

He wrote Life a User's Manual (1979) the book had constraints on writing.

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