Friday 9 August 2013

Lecture 2- Early 20th Century Avant-Garde Movements

George Braque- Popova: Two Figures
Cubism (1907/1911) is an art whereby the painter has atomised space and by doing so has reduced the perspective lines. It breaks the horizon line and replaces the painting with surface, volume and mass by producing three dimensional objects.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973,Spain)- Weeping Woman 
Futurism (1909) destroyed language and saw the potential of the modern world emerging. In this era they freed the typography of language by bending words and portraying words in different ways. Automatopia allowed the words to describe things we hear such as BANG, CLANK and POW! Futurism was the era of the creation of words.

F.T Marinetti (1876-1944, Italy)

Dada (1915) was the invention of words and sounds. Kurt Schwitters (1888-1948, Germany), used collage work and was intrigued by the words as a visual design. Schwitters designed Dada posters and used his collages in drawing, magazines, money and print.
Kurt Schwitters - Merz Cover, 1925
Surrealism (1924) was the era of experimenting with language. Many surrealists were interested in the rational mind and that it can reveal true repressed thoughts. This in turn could help the person deal with issues they have unconsciously hidden in the back of their mind.

Andre' Breton was a poet writer and played around with language.
Andre' Breton 

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