Friday 30 August 2013

Lecture 5- Conceptual Art

Douglas Huebler (1924-1997,USA) was a painter, sculptor, photographer and used word art.

Hurbler used words in his art to communicate messages to the viewers. 

Conceptual art was no longer conventional art shown in galleries. The artwork not only was on show but was also intended to pose questions to itself. The conceptual art became a subject of itself. They worked with words in minor ways such as providing words on white walls in galleries. This was something different to conventional art as there was no frame present. 

Joseph Kosuth (1945, USA) was a word, neon and illustration artist. 

He created the neon signs which would be displayed with a reference to words. This new creation altered the was words are used. Language refers to itself not the real world. The neon signs would be presented on walls with no frame which intrigued people. 

Jenny Holzer (1950-, USA) was an installation and word artist. She also created city scape projections as shown below. She created a system of signs, writing on the walls using projectors on architectural cities. Onlookers would read the signs which could even spur inspiration. 

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