Friday 23 August 2013

Tutorial 3- Cut Ups

This tutorial was interesting as we experienced avant- garde practices.  We cut up pieces of newspapers and magazines. We put columns and sentences together in order to create different meanings and stories. I found this tutorial challenging as we needed to concentrate and ensure the context of the sentences made sense.

Story Cut-Up

Image Cut-Up

This cut-up circles around the central text "10 facts about coconut oil." With the mouse indicator on the text, it could represent our technological world. The other words on the page could symbolise the several links from an original website. The cut-up contains 10 "facts" that are used in advertising to promote a product. In this case the product is coconut oil and they go about promoting it by showing pretty pictures of celebrities and state you will look like them. The different words is how they may advertise the product stating you will feel like the words shown, if you purchase the product. This cut-up explains how fantasies are portrayed as reality.

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