Monday 26 August 2013

Pop Art

Andy Warhol created the Campbell's soup can design This is an image taken in the supermarket where I found the colours really stood out to me and it was instant that I knew it was Pop Art. This limited edition tomato soup can design was released to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Andy Warhol's 1962 32 Campbell's soup can piece. These soup cans feature pop art labels from the original artwork of Andy Warhol.

Andy Warhol created many designs for the Coca-Cola company. Had he not created the image of the bottle as a promotional tool, we may not have seen it advertised. The idea of having the bottle of coca-cola on the left side is something Andy Warhol incorporated into his work never has anyone seen coca-cola presented on the right. Also, I thought the circles presented in different colours could be inspired from Andy Warhol's work as a lot of his pieces were the same design presented in different colours and patterns as shown here.

This image was taken on the tram so it is a bit difficult to see. However, this image is similar to the works of Roy Lichtenstein It appears to be a woman who is in love and focused on that one person, looking up to them. Although this isn't a comic, the way it has been created appears that way. Unlike, Lichtenstein's work there is no speech bubble we as an audience can make our own speech bubbles as to what we perceive her to be thinking. The image is more shown inside what appears to look like a speech bubble as if her expressions reveal what she is thinking. 

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