Friday 9 August 2013

Tutorial 2- Automatic Writing and The Exquisite Corpse

Automatic Writing
Using surrealist techniques and putting ourselves in a receptive state of mind we began what is called automatic writing. Writing from our unconscious state of mind with the instructions if we pause we have to continue writing. My piece was very interesting and began with the present however it eventually delved into my past. These things I have wrapped up so tight in my mind unknowingly to stay strong and keep it all together. For some context my Pop one of the first in my family passed away last year from cancer. This is what I came to write and is translated below:

Pink starts with the letter P.

What am I writing? Why am I writing this? Who is around me? Why do I care? Almost Pop's death anniversary. What will Nana think when she finds out this date is while she is on holiday with us. Parents on holiday Thailand, wow that's great! I'm so fucking jealous? Why couldn't I go, stuck here at uni. just doing this piece. Yeah I'd love to be in Thailand with heat opposed to this stupid Melbourne weather. Flowers, Flowers we will put near Pop's grave, to remind us of how much he meant to us. Great guy full of laughs, loved him so much. Why did he have to go, that funny bugger. Grant, brother sick. Says I have to help why I shouldn't have to help he's sick he should help to even though Nana plots around in her own world as if everything is okay but when, Oh when will she break down. I don't want her to break down but I reckon, she will, when she goes to the grave perhaps she cries, well that is sad. I know how she feels I cry. Why don't I cry about him every day, well i should. Sometimes I forget, I wonder why did he leave get cancer and go he was so sick tied to wheelchair unable to move. Why? He didn't deserve this AT ALL! I can't believe it happened? Where is he? Where? My note feel and I thought that was his spirit.

My arm is so sore. But not as sore as Pop's pain from cancer. Wish he was here, why why isn't he here? Where did he go? Why do we live and die? It's not bloody fair! Seriously we can't live a life with everyone around us dying how does that work?

After writing this piece and after reading over it, made me realise how much I miss my Pop. But also underlying questions about the afterlife and what comes after death. As to posing where we go? Whether we are reincarnated. It shows that I hope my Pop is in a good place and is treated well and happy.

While writing the piece before my pen was put to paper came certain words rolling around in my head and I had to choose the word which first comes to mind. The speed of my writing was very quick resulting in a sore arm, however I believe my mind was working faster. My idea that our minds think faster than our pens to paper challenges the surrealists idea of automatic writing coming directly from our unconscious minds.

The Exquisite Corpse
In a group of three, each person in the group noted either a verb, adjective or noun. We folded the sheetof paper ensuring our players don't see what we have wrote. After doing so, the words are put together to form a sentence, which resulted in oddly sentences.
Sentences our group created were:

The hard blood will hit an old car.

A beautiful London screaming at the futile body.

A peculiar cup played the ancient tune.

These unusual sentences would have been made sense of by surrealists of the time. Assumingly they would not laugh at the sentences but rather accept these sentences to be expressed and understood by the world.

It was very interesting in this tutorial to experience what surrealists practiced back in history. It was like taking a step back in time.

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