Sunday 25 August 2013

Tutorial 4- Pop Art

Painting- Nighthawk
Location: Phillies diner 1am at Night
Characters: -Woman: Susan, Man: Geoff, Isolated man: Phil, Bartender: Graham Dowdy

Geoff (gestures to his right to an isolated man): What's that guy doing over there? No-one usually comes this late at night, except for me
Susan (looks at Geoff, with a disgusted look) : Hey I'm here!
Geoff: Yeah, but you're a pretty woman, probably single and an alcoholic
Susan (her mouth opens with shock): Hey!
Graham (looks at Geoff only, while making a drink): I don't know, it looks like another one of them kicked out of their house by their wife and has no where else to go. 
Geoff (looking at Graham, with a confused face): Oh yeah, that explains it at least he isn't telling us his life story like the last guy did.
Susan (pleads for attention): that's not the case. The man wants sympathy, he wants to tell you he is having financial problems and wants all your money.
Geoff (annoyed with her interrupting, gestures to her and slams fist on table): You look a fine woman, but we are here all the time. We see these people come in all the time and that is not the case.
Susan (can't be bothered): Ask him yourself?
Graham: Excuse me, lady let us two men talk. Who invited you to the conversation?
Susan (pleased tone of voice): Suit yourself, us women are always right.
Graham: women don't know the simplest thing about men
(Susan looks at her nails, as she is not included in the conversation).
Geoff: You're not wrong Graham. Well I spoke to my father and he said he use to work with you at Smith's brewery. 
Graham: what was his name?
Geoff: Simon Jones
Graham: Ohhh Simon Jones, yeah we were great friends. How is he?
Geoff: He is good
Graham: How's your coffee?
Geoff: Good thanks, Graham

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